Most of the pictures on this website are of course in Yosemite National Park. I try to group these shots into categories. However, there are some shots that don't fit in any category and don't warrant categories on their own, either because they are not as well-known or because I only have one or two shots. So I lump all these other miscellaneous shots into this page.

Sunrise at Yosemite. This shot is taken near the entrance to the Valley, after exiting one of the tunnels. It's taken on our first day at Yosemite. We drove all night and arrived just in time for sunrise.
Another sunrise shot. This one is at Hodgdon Meadows, right behind our campsite. The original photograph has a lot more color. My cheap scanner wasn't able to capture it all due to the sharp contrast in brightness on this shot.

A burned trunk in Hodgdon Meadows. Probably an old casualty from one of the forest fires that rage in Yosemite once in a while.
A young and stubborn Sequoia (?) that refuses to die. It probably got knocked down while in infancy but decided to grow anyway. This shot is taken along the trail to Merced Grove.


Tenaya Lake is an extremely beautiful lake along Highway 120, north of the populous Yosemite Valley.

Tenaya Lake taken with a digital camera. The bluish tint is from the camera. The water is more emerald-green, and extremely clear.
Tenaya Lake from Olmstead Point. You can see a bit of the lake near the bottom center of this shot, slightly above the curve in the road.

See More Yosemite Shots

Copyright 1999 David T. Lu. All rights reserved.